States have their own mandates as to how much auto insurance drivers must carry. This is to ensure other people are protected in case a driver causes bodily injury or property damage in an accident. Texas is no exception, and actually has higher requirements than a lot of other states.

The minimum requirements for auto insurance in Texas are:
- $30,000 in bodily injury liability per person
- $60,000 in bodily injury per accident
- $25,000 in property damage
Be sure to carry your proof of insurance while driving at all times, as you’ll be asked to show it by an officer or when you renew your registration.
Texas also recommends you invest in additional car insurance. Liability insurance only covers the other person and their property in an accident. You’ll want enough coverage so you’re not paying for damages and personal or passengers’ medical expenses pocket. An insurance policy typically covers your immediate family and anyone you allow to drive the vehicle. Personal injury protection (PIP) covers medical expenses for you and your passengers in case of an accident. This coverage is included in all Texas auto insurance policies unless you request that it’s removed.
Other coverages that come with a general auto insurance policy in Texas includes:
- Comprehensive Coverage. Comprehensive coverage covers perils that don’t involve collision, such as fire, windstorms, vandalism, theft, falling rocks or trees, hail and more.
- Collision Coverage. If you hit another vehicle or object, collision coverage helps pay for the damages.
- Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage. This coverage helps pay for damages if the driver you crash with doesn’t carry the proper amount of insurance.
- Towing. This coverage assists with the cost of towing should you break down.
How Much is Car Insurance in Texas?
The price of car insurance varies depending on several factors including age, driving history, credit history, coverage amount, zip code and more. On average, drivers in Texas pay around $934.22 a year.
How to Find Cheaper Car Insurance in Texas
There are steps you can take to lower your car insurance premiums.
- Build good credit by paying off fines and credit cards
- Drive safely
- Apply for discounts such as Safe Driver Discounts, Mature Driver Discounts and Good Student Discounts
- Insure an inexpensive vehicle
- Pay a higher deductible
- Pay for minor damages out of pocket
- Bundle home and auto
Talk to your insurance agent today at 915-591-0075 about lowering your homeowners’ insurance rate.