Insurance Agency Vs Insurance Company

Insurance Agency vs. Insurance Company: What’s the difference? Insurance is one of the most crucial financial tools for protecting yourself against future losses. Insurance types range from medical and property insurance to car insurance. If you’re currently looking for insurance in El Paso, you’ve probably heard the terms insurance agency or insurance company being thrown […]
5 Myths About Your Auto Insurance

Auto insurance is a complicated subject. You could say many people know just enough about auto insurance to be dangerous. Myths about auto insurance are prevalent. However, with a little learning, you can dismantle any auto insurance myth that leaves you exposed financially or hinders your ability to determine the best auto insurance for your family. You Will Never Reach […]
How to Save on Auto Insurance

It’s no secret that people don’t like paying for insurance. However, you also know that it’s necessary in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from the unexpected. Health insurance is generally the most expensive form of coverage, followed by auto insurance. But don’t lose hope! Reducing your auto premiums and qualifying for discounts may […]
Your Roof, Home Insurance and Windstorm Coverage

Homeowners insurance provides coverage against numerous severe weather hazards, and wind damage is often one of them. However, you should not assume that this coverage is automatically included on your plan. Often, there are a few exclusions and other policy exceptions that will limit your benefits in certain circumstances. Some of these limitations might arise when […]
What is Cash-value Homeowners Insurance?

All homeowner policies automatically cover household contents. However, the way these contents are covered can vary greatly depending on the type of policy. Purchasing a cash-value homeowners policy means when you file a claim, your lost, stolen or damaged items will be paid out at a depreciated value. On the other hand, a replacement-cost policy would pay for the […]
Gap Insurance

Car owners often assume that if their car is totaled, it will be replaced at the amount they paid, or at least the amount they owe. However, that’s not always the case — learn why and what you can do to protect yourself. Is Gap Coverage Right for You? Guaranteed asset protection, or gap insurance is […]
What Is Property Damage Coverage On My Car Insurance Policy?

All drivers need car insurance, and in most states it’s mandatory anyway. Still, many people don’t fully realize exactly what the specific terms within their policies mean. Therefore, you cannot just assume that your plan includes all the coverage you want it to if you have not examined it thoroughly. One key component that everyone wants […]
Home Insurance for Vacant Homes

A home that you own might stand vacant for long periods for a number of reasons. For example, you might be working in another city for a number of months. Or, perhaps you will stay with relatives as you recover from an operation, and will be away for some time. Regardless of why your home […]
How Does a Home Insurance Deductible Work?

When you purchase a home insurance policy, one of the many decisions you will make is over your home insurance deductible. An insurance deductible is how much you must pay out of pocket before receiving compensation for a home insurance claim. For example, say a bad storm sweeps in and causes $3,000 worth of damage to your home. […]
Do I Need Full Coverage Car Insurance in Texas?

When looking for car insurance, you will come across a lot of coverage options available for you and your vehicle. Not every policy is created equal, however, and it is important to choose the policy that is right for you. What Insurance is Required in Texas? Texas requires a minimum amount of liability insurance for all […]