What are the Benefits of Windstorm Insurance?

Bundle Bee Insurance

One characteristic of Texas is that it is a very windy place. The state’s prairie land and flat topography make it easy for constant wind to blow at all times of the year.  But when windstorms beckon, a pleasant breeze might become a threatening, damaging hazard. As wind speeds increase, they begin to threaten even the sturdiest […]

How Does Credit Affect Car Insurance Rates?

Insurance Car Key

There are a lot of factors that help insurance agencies calculate your car insurance policies, one of which is your credit. This is the aspect that often confuses and frustrates driver. What could possibly be the connection between an unpaid credit card and a car?  Why Rates Vary  Insurance agencies primarily calculate car insurance premiums based on the […]

Why Should You Use an Independent Agent for Car Insurance?

Bundle Bee Insurance

Buying car insurance can be nerve-wracking. It’s not a decision you should make lightly, but it can be hard to know where to even start.  To begin, you should consider insuring with an independent agency. Having an independent agent at your side can help you find the right coverage at the right price without being trapped with […]

Did You Know Home Insurance Doesn’t Cover Flooding?

home and auto bundle insurance

Home insurance coverage is an often-misunderstood topic. This insurance covers a wide range of dangers that threaten your home, but there are some exclusions to this coverage. Floods are becoming an increasingly serious problem across the U.S., especially in Texas and other southern states. Not only is the rate of hurricanes and tropical cyclones increasing, but […]

What are Standard Coverages for Home Insurance?

Bundle Bee Insurance

Home insurance often sounds complicated, but it’s actually pretty simple as long as you have good sources and plenty of time to research. There are many types of home insurance policies from HO-1 to HO-8. HO-3 is the most common home insurance policy. It covers: The big difference between HO-3 and other policies are the type of […]

Moving To A New Office? Here’s What Your Insurer Needs To Know

Whether you’re expanding your business, downsizing or you just found a place with lower rent across town, a new office means you’re going to have to make some changes to your existing business insurance policy. The rule of thumb is the same as always: The more your insurer knows, the better they’ll be prepared to provide you […]

What is the Texas Standard Auto Insurance Policy and What Does it Cover?

Car Accident

Having car insurance in Texas is incredibly important. The state is known for its winding highways, sprawling construction and fast drivers. In 2019, there were 12,161 crashes that resulted in 14,908 people obtaining serious injuries. A standard auto insurance policy in Texas includes: Many drivers in Texas with comprehensive car insurance choose a $1,000 deductible. A higher […]

What is the Minimum Car Insurance Required in Texas?

Car Insurance Policy

States have their own mandates as to how much auto insurance drivers must carry. This is to ensure other people are protected in case a driver causes bodily injury or property damage in an accident. Texas is no exception, and actually has higher requirements than a lot of other states. The minimum requirements for auto insurance in Texas […]

How Can I Lower My Homeowners Insurance Rate?

Family Home Asset

Owning a home is a huge investment and can be expensive. Homeowners insurance rates can crawl up without notice until you’re hit with a bill that’s way over what you originally expected. Thankfully, there are ways to pay less for your homeowners’ insurance. Build Your Credit Homeowners with high credit tend to have lower insurance rates, as they’re […]